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The Future of Healthcare is Lifestyle Medicine
National Lifestyle Medicine Conference
8th September 2018
Leeds Trinity University
Event Ended
This promises to be much more than a conference.
Come and join the Lifestyle Medicine revolution!
6 CPD hours
What is Lifestyle Medicine?
"Lifestyle medicine is a branch of evidence-based medicine in which comprehensive lifestyle changes (including nutrition, physical activity, stress management, social support and environmental exposures) are used to prevent, treat and reverse the progression of chronic diseases by addressing their underlying causes. LM is an adjunct form of treatment that helps to bridge the best aspects of public health and conventional clinical medicine"
The European Lifestyle Medicine Organization
  • The latest evidence and news as to what is going on with this hot topic nationally.
  • Key inspirational influencers who are passionate on this subject. 
  • A multidisciplinary conference bringing together GPs, CCG leads, dieticians, nutritional therapists and health coaches together.
  • Network with like-minded health professionals 
The NHS is in crisis for multiple reasons. We are seeing an explosion in chronic disease with prescription costs at an all-time high. Through understanding the root cause of illness and addressing this on a public health level as well as with our patients on a 1 to 1 we can feel inspired to make a difference. It is time for a new way of thinking in medicine and we are proudly connecting interested professionals in Yorkshire to hear what key influencers are saying and join the discussion. 
We have sourced a lovely modern venue and in line with our wellbeing mission, we will provide a wholefood seated lunch and nutritious snacks. There is FREE parking onsite.
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
You will learn about improving your own wellbeing and evidence-based lifestyle interventions for patients
  • Talks, workshops and practical sessions
  • Nutrition - Food as Medicine
  • Meditation and Mindfulness
  • Fun exercise classes
  • Mental health and lifestyle interventions
  • The gut microbiome
  • The low carb approach to tackling T2DM and obesity
  • Motivational interviewing.... and more 
This event is accredited by the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine and is included as part of CPD requirements for the International Board LM Certificate and BSLM Diploma held annually in Edinburgh.

Dr Aseem Malhotra


Opening Keynote Speaker
Described as an inspiration by Jamie Oliver, internationally renowned Consultant Cardiologist and best selling author of The Pioppi Diet, Dr Aseem Malhotra has become one of the most influential and well-known health campaigners, and a pioneer of the lifestyle medicine movement in the UK.
He writes regularly in academic medical journals and print newspapers such as the Guardian, Telegraph and Daily Mail and is regularly seen on broadcast media in his campaign against sugar and highlighting the harms of too much medicine.
Dr Malhotra has been named alongside anti-obesity activists such as Michael Bloomberg and Michelle Obama has been featured in the New York Times on his documentary film "The Big Fat Fix" which premiered in the British parliament.
He is a spokesperson for the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Obesity and Choosing Wisely Steering Groups and in 2015 became the youngest member to be appointed to the board of trustees of health think tank, The King's Fund.  In 2016 he was named by Debretts as one of the most influential people in science in medicine in the UK in a list which included Professor Stephen Hawking. 

Dr David Unwin

Dr David Unwin FRCGP is senior partner of the Norwood Surgery in Southport near Liverpool, UK where he has worked since 1986 as a family doctor.
For the past few years, he has been a Royal College of General Practitioners expert clinical advisor on diabetes.  As a result of his interests in both better communication with patients and Type 2 diabetes, he was made Royal College of General Practice National Champion for Collaborative Care and Support Planning in Obesity & Diabetes in 2015.
In 2016 he was the proud National winner of the NHS Innovator Of The Year Award for published research into lifestyle changes; working with patients’ personal health goals as an alternative to drug therapy in type 2 diabetes –so that his GP practice spends £38,000 per year less than expected on drugs for diabetes.
He is particularly interested in the low carb-diet as an alternative to lifelong medication in type 2 diabetes and obesity.  As part of this, he has also published research into improving lipid profiles, liver function, and blood pressure by reducing dietary carbohydrate, especially sugar. His work has been covered by C4 & C5 television, The New Scientist, The Times, The BMJ and most recently by BBC 1 (The Truth About Carbs)

Dr Pratima Singh

Dr Singh is a community and adult psychiatrist working in South London and Maudsley NHS trust where she is based in a team that works closely with GPs to plan care for patients presenting with mental illnesses. Having had the advantage of several strategic leadership opportunities in her residency, she believes that a holistic approach in medicine presents a great opportunity to address the burden of mental health morbidity in the NHS.
She is a strong advocate of intensive lifestyle interventions as a key tool in addressing chronic mental health conditions and the judicious and informed use of psychotropic medication. She also has a deep interest in understanding how systems of care influence the quality of patient care.

Dr Angela Goyal

Dr Angela Goyal is a Portfolio GP and Founder of Inspired Medics.
Her interests which combine her passions and values.  They are Dermatology, Lifestyle Medicine, Medical Education and Media.
Her interest in Lifestyle Medicine started in childhood! Her parents did not have a medicine cupboard, instead, they used traditional Indian practices such as yoga, meditation, nutrition and community activities to maintain wellbeing.
She encourages Lifestyle interventions in her patients and is also active in promoting the Lifestyle Medicine message more widely, through Inspired Medics. She is a Regional Director Yorkshire of the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine. She is one of 5 co-founders, and Chair of The Yorkshire Wellness Group.
She writes for the popular press, blogs, has appeared on MADE TV and Channel 5 and has also written articles for peer-reviewed publications.
Dr Goyal is active in Medical Education and speaks regularly both at local and national medical conferences on Dermatology, Lifestyle Medicine and Portfolio GP Careers. Inspired Medics is about connecting GPs and providing motivational and transformational CPD.
The National Portfolio GP Careers Conference 2018 was a huge success with fantastic testimonials and the Lifestyle Medicine conference will be even better!

Dr Sarah Davies

Sarah is an NHS GP and a Functional Medicine Specialist with a thriving private practice in Stockport (South East Manchester). She is passionate about root-cause medicine and uses an Integrative approach to treat chronic and complex disease.
Although a generalist she has a particular interest in Autoimmunity and Fatiguing illness. Sarah uses her holistic approach whether working in primary care or her own clinic and is an advocate of nutrition and lifestyle interventions as first-line therapies for many common presentations.

Sam Feltham

After spending a decade in the health and fitness industry, Sam Feltham is now the director of the Public Health Collaboration.
 Our Speakers
Speakers subject to change 
Mini Dates
Dr Indra Barathan
GP and Functional Medicine Specialist, Yorkshire Wellness Group Co-founder
Dr Kamila Hortynska
Clinical Psychologist, Mindfulness Teacher and Functional Medicine Practitioner
Lou Walker
Workplace health & wellbeing consultant, author of research report – “It’s time to rethink cake” and  TEDx Speaker
Dr Ailsa Care
NHS GP Partner and Functional Medicine Specialist in Private Practice
Ruth Edwards
Business Leaders Health Coach and Director UK Health Coaches Association
Dr Rob Lawson
Co-founder British Society Lifestyle Medicine and Founder of the UK Shared Medical Appointment Contact Group
Dr Alison Sabine
Consultant Rheumatologist, Advisor for UK Health Coaches Association and Creator of NHS gifts
Official Charity 
Media Partner
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